Thursday, March 31, 2011

Have you missed me?

I need to blog more. I love reading all of my friends' and family's blog's. They are such a good way to keep updated on all my peeps!! The last 2 weeks have been so crazy. I was getting used to my blood pressure meds and Chris' Grandpa Heaps passed away. I KNOW he is in a better place and so happy where he is at. The transition is still difficult. Now that things are starting to settle down and get back to normal I am noticing all of the things I have neglected the last few weeks. My house is a disaster, my laundry is driving me crazy and my entire house needs scrubbed... I am so glad that next week is spring break and I can possibly tackle a few of these things that are bugging the crap right out of me!! I hope we can meet up with friends and do something fun as well... You listening Kar?? Oh also I got a recumbent bike.. So far I love it, I hope I keep loving it and it will help me lose some weight!!!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Feeling sick & a fun day!

I have been feeling sick for a while now. I have been fighting dizziness for weeks. I was finally able to go into the doctor, I was convinced I had high blood pressure. Well guess what? I was right... 180 over 120. Holy crap!!! The doc told me the 3 major causes... stress, weight, genetics. Check, check, and check. I have been overweight my entire adult life, I was the fat girl who could go all day and get up and down off the ground and was good. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 28 stuff started to change, I have a harder time doing everything. It is time for a change, so I feel good. So I can teach Lily right choices. I will get there but it will take me a long time. Oh how sometimes I miss the high school phen-fen weight loss!! So here is to me hoping I can make the necessary changes to feel the way I want!! Wish me luck.

Switching gears now... You with me? Ok good... Today was a great day! Met up with some pals at The Bluebird, had the chicken it was fab.u.lous. Then we went and got pedis and went for a titch of shopping. Fun, fun and fun!!! Then we met back up with the husbys and all our kidlets and went to Angie's for dinner AND we cleaned the sink!!! On the way home we stopped at my favorite WAL-MART to pick up a few things. I randomly decided everybody needed a new t-shirt just for fun and we all look oh so super cute!! I also picked up some of these fabulous natural corn-nuts and dried fruits they had in the produce section. YUM go get some... NOW!!!

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Less than 3

Ok so this is so funny I have to post about it, forgive me for so many posts so quickly. I love my Mom, she really is my friend and I am so thankful for that. She cracked me up hard tonight. So a little back story, when my mom first started texting she thought lol meant lots of love. So a text would go something like this;

Mom: some funny comment or something..
Mom: Oh I love you too!!

It was so cute I didn't have the heart to tell her it meant laugh out loud. I liked this better anyway it was sweet. Well she obviously has figured it out by now. Well she is now on facebook and we had a family member that had a tragedy and a lot of his friends were making comments on a post of his with this symbol... <3 She asked some co-workers what less than 3 meant, she couldn't figure out what his friends were trying to console him with. I guess they couldn't figure out what she meant so she had to show them. And they told her to turn her phone to the side... Light bulb!! It's a heart... I love her sometimes she is too smart for her own damn good!! Less than three... It is my new favorite thing!! I LOVE YOU MOM!!!

Cheer Scrapbook

Emily has to do 2 pages for the Cheer scrapbook. I have known about it for awhile however the deadline crept right up on us. She has to do one about the swim team, and we haven't gotten that done yet. She also had to do one about whatever she wanted. She picked some cute camp pictures and we just used supplies I already had on hand. I haven't scrapbooked in a really long time and this page only took us a few minutes. I feel the bug to get back into it!! I thought it turned out really cute!!
I really like how the colors are "Mt. Cresty" without being in your face. What do you think??

Monday, March 07, 2011


So I "think" I feel better. Well close enough to normal anyway. Chris' new job seems to be going ok. It is still new so we will see!! I have a very good feeling about it all though. I have been stressing on my tax return and I finally called the tax commision and guess what? There was an error, it probably would of sat there for another month... The tax commision guy fixed it and I should get my refund within 10 days. I just KNEW there was something wrong and I am so glad I took matters into my own hands and called to figure it out!! So to sum it up life is going ok right now (knock wood... seriously, I'll wait... did you do it? good)

Love you all!!